International Mountain Connection

Frequently Asked Questions


Find answers using our frequently asked questions
How do I use my CPF?​

After you have connected to your CPF account and verified that you have money in your account, it’s time to choose your training program.

You can choose your program by visiting our page here or if you are still connected to Mon Compte Formation you can search for our programs by entering the following information:

  • Formation : Anglais
  • En présentiel ou à distance
  • Organisme de formation : Michelle Onofrey
  • Ville/code postal : Modane 73500

Choose the program you wish to take.

Create your file and hit send.

What are the steps when I sign up for CPF training?

Step 1:

From the Mon Compte Formation platform, go to “recherche” on the menu bar and you can search for our catalog by using the following information:

  • Formation : Anglais
  • En présentiel ou à distance
  • Organisme de formation : Michelle Onofrey
  • Ville/code postal : Modane 73500

Step 2:

Send your request for training on the platform.

Step 3:

Have a consultation with a representative from IMC to discuss needs and objectives. Set you beginning and end dates for the training. 

Step 4: 

IMC sends you a quote for you to accept or reject.

If you accept the quote, but do not have enough money in your CPF account, you will required to pay the difference.

Step 5:

Upon acceptance of the program, you will receive a contract from IMC to sign.

Step 6:

Once the contract has been returned to IMC signed, you will be sent a link to take an online placement test to identify current language level.

Step 7:

After taking the placement test, you will be contacted to make adjustments to program and you’ll receive your Welcome Booklet with information about your training and how to make appointments, etc.

Step 8:

Begin your training adventure!

Step 9:

Take test at the end of training to receive an English 360° Language Certificate.

Step 10:

Complete end of training evaluation.


Please note that there is a mandatory 11 working day waiting period between the date that the proposal is sent by the training organization to the participant. Please find more information here in the conditions of use, section 2 article 3.

Do I need to take a test at the end of my training?

Yes. To use your CPF for language training, training centers are required to include a certificate that identifies your language level at the end of the training program.

International Mountain Connection incorporates the English 360° Language Certificate for our training that qualifies for CPF use. The English 360° Certificate uses the CEFR language evaluation system.

The fee for this test is included in the price of the training.

Learn more about the English 360° Certificate


Learn more about the CEFR evaluation system

How much money do I have in my CPF account?

To know how much money you have available in your account, you simply need to connect to your account on the Mon Compte Formation platform.


Remember, if you don’t already have a France Connect+ account, you will need to do that before you can see how much money you have.


Connect to the CPF platform

What if I don’t have enough money in my CPF for the training?

When you choose a training that costs more than the amount you have in your CPF account, you are responsible for paying the difference directly to the training organization.


This amount must be paid by you before your training starts.

What costs are included in my training? Will I need to pay anything extra?

The fee for the training on the CPF platform includes trainer fees, support materials, and the certification test. 


Transportation, accommodation and meals for the trainee are not included. These expenses must be paid by the trainee.

What do I need to complete the training?

Online training

Access to a computer with dependable high-speed internet access, a webcam, and a microphone.

In-person training

Transportation to either IMC site.

France Connect + Account

Did you know that it’s necessary to have a digital identity created using the La Poste website to connect to your CPF account? 

You might already have a France Connect account, but you now need a France Connect + account.

You can get more information about the process on this government site.

How do I create a France Connect+ account?

You probably already have a France Connect account, but to access and pay for your training using your CPF, you need to create a France Connect+ account. This came into effect in October 2022, so many of you probably don’t already have this type of account set up.


Don’t worry, you can create your account online. In order to create an account, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have a valid French ID
  • Have a smartphone that uses Android or iOS

Create your France Connect+ account here.

If you don’t meet one of these requirements, but you want to use your CPF money and need a France Connect+ account, here is the information given by the government on how to proceed. 

Additional questions

If you have a question or concern that was not adequately addressed, please contact us either by phone at +33 (0)7 50 90 35 54 or by email by clicking here.

Remember to leave a message or send a text message if we are already with a client and unable to take your call. We will get back to you as soon as possible!

Updated March 24, 2024

Apprende l'anglais avec International Mountain Connection
International Mountain Connection

320 rue Pré Soleil, Modane, France

+33 (0)7 50 90 35 54

Qualiopi Certification

Michelle Onofrey EI • Siret N° 880 252 655 00019 • International Mountain Connection est enregistrée sous le N° 84730241073

Cet enregistrement ne vaut pas agrément de l’état (Art. L.6352-12 du Code du travail.)