International Mountain Connection

How do I get started or get a quote?

Privately Funded Training

First you’ll need to contact International Mountain Connection. You’ll be sent a questionnaire to fill out to learn more about your language goals. You’ll also be sent a link to take an English assessment to determine your current level.

Although it seems like a lot of work, these two pieces of information are indispensable to send you a quote with an appropriate program.

Once these pieces of information have been completed, you will be contacted to make an appointment with our lead trainer, Michelle Onofrey. You will have a meeting with her by telephone or by Zoom to help define your language objectives.

Within the parameters of your goals and your price range, a quote will be created for your specialized program.

Remember! Quotes for English training with International Mountain Connection are FREE, tailor-made, and non-binding.

If you are happy with the proposed program with the quoted price, you sign a contract and send it back to IMC.

Upon receiving your signed contract, you will receive your convocation, Welcome Booklet, and guides to get you ready to go!

Please note that before beginning your training, it is necessary to complete a questionnaire and have consultation with our training coordinator. Once you have signed your contract, your sessions after 14 days.

If you have any questions regarding the training programs or how to register, contact Michelle Onofrey at +33 (0)7 50 90 35 54 or by email at michelle.onofrey

Trainings that Qualify for Financing

It’s best to start by looking at the programs we offer that qualify for financing on our website. You can do that here.

If you have any questions regarding the training programs or how to register, contact Michelle Onofrey at +33 (0)7 50 90 35 54 or by email at michelle.onofrey

Afterwards, the process is different depending on if you are choosing to use your CPF or if you are using another means of financing.

OPCOs and other types of financing

If you are interested in using an OPCO or other types of financing for yourself, employees or a group, please contact Michelle so you can discuss your needs, expectations and objectives for the training that interests you. She can send you the necessary documents needed for you to submit your request.

Using your CPF

1.) Connect to your account on the Mon Compte Formation website.

Please note: You are now required to use a FranceConnect+ login. This login is obtained through L’Identité Numerique (LaPoste). If you do not have this, you can find steps on how to do it here:

If you do not qualify to log in using this process, here is the page you will need to visit in order to get your login information:

Never share your login information with others and do not allow another person to use your login information!

2.) Once you have logged in to Mon Compte Formation, type “anglais” into the search bar. Choose en présentiel or à distance. Then you will need to do a filter by adding the organization’s name (Michelle Onofrey).

At this time you will see all of the programs available through International Mountain Connection, with Michelle Onofrey as your trainer.

3.) Choose the program you wish to take and click on “Ask for a quote”.

Michelle will receive a message that you have requested a quote.

If you have already spoken with her regarding your program and starting dates, she will include this information and send the quote back to you for you to accept.

If you have not already spoken with her, expect a phone call and/or email from her, as she will want to talk with you about your goals and objectives before you are admitted into the program.

Within 2 days, you will receive a quote from Michelle with your training dates. By law, your beginning training date is a minimum of 11 days after your quote has been sent to you. 

Please note: You must check your messages on the Mon Compte Formation site. Messages are not systematically sent to you via sms or email to let you know that the quote is waiting for you. 

4.) Accept the quote from your Mon Compte Formation account.

5.) At this point, you pay the mandatory €100 contribution to complete your enrollment. 

Please note: If you do not have sufficient funds in your account to pay for the training (training price – €100 personal contribution), you must pay the difference to complete your enrollment.

6.) You will be contacted by Michelle, welcoming you to the training. You will receive a link to an initial language placement test, a convocation, Welcome Booklet and guides to help you get started. And you are ready to go!

Don’t worry! Michelle will be available not only to get you set up and ready to go on the technical side, but she will also be available to help you with questions about your training or technical issues. You can contact her by phone or by email.

Updated August 15, 2024

Michelle Onofrey EI • Siret N° 880 252 655 00027 • International Mountain Connection est enregistrée sous le N° 93050103305.

Cet enregistrement ne vaut pas agrément de l’État.