International Mountain Connection

UTMB® 2020 | Photo credit: UTMB®

Photo credit for the UTMB® 2020 poster – UTMB® at

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In France, there are over 70 ultra trail races offered throughout the year. One of the favorites is, without a doubt, the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc. Before we get into the specifics of this race, let’s answer an important question: What IS an ultra? 

What is an ultra?

An ultra or ultramarathon is a foot race that is longer than a traditional marathon (42.195 kilometers or 26.219 miles). Athletes are required to be in top condition, both mentally and physically. An ultra race can be on a variety of surfaces, including paved roads or trails. 

To challenge runners even more, there are ultra trail running competitions that take these athletes high up into the heavens. Paths cover delicate mountain terrain where the trail is technical and the views will take your breath away. Due to the high elevation, the lack of oxygen will do that, too!

Photo credit: IMC

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The Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB®)

The UTMB® is an exceptionally challenging race. Runners are exposed to the elements including high altitude (2,300 m / +7,500 ft) wind, rain, cold temperatures, and fatigue. The course follows the Tour du Mont Blanc hiking trail which includes sections in France, Italy and Switzerland. 

Hikers usually take 7-10 days to complete this trail, whereas the fastest finishers of the UTMB® take only about 20 hours. The official cut-off time for runners is 46 hours 30 minutes, with several time barriers in place throughout the race. Needless to say, not everyone who starts this race will finish it.

UTMB® Race Route
Photo credit: UTMB® at

Who’s In and Who’s Out? Registration for the UTMB®

Runners from all over the world register for this race, and for the last two years, more than 100 countries were represented.  Unfortunately, due to the prestige of this epic race, it’s become a victim of its own success. With over 7,800 candidates in 2019, less than one third of the runners registered could actually participate in this adventure.

To qualify for this race, most athletes must accumulate 10 points while participating in no more than TWO International Trail Running Association (ITRA) sanctioned races. Runners must complete this requirement the two years prior to the UTMB®. This is incredibly challenging to do and yet, there are still thousands of runners who qualify and register. 

Due to the fact that the race can not accommodate all of the athletes who meet this requirement, there is a lottery to choose who participates. In the end, this race is limited to 2,300 runners. For those who rely on the lottery to participate in this race, emotions are high until the official list of names is released. 

Profile of UTMB® Race
Photo credit: UTMB® at

The UTMB® 2020

The UTMB® was scheduled for August 28 this year, with a distance of 171 km and 10,300 m of ascent or elevation gain. Unfortunately, this race was cancelled. The organizers did not feel that they could guarantee the safety of the runners, volunteers, spectators, and members of the community due to the COVID pandemic. This is an understandable decision as it is a huge event!

Photo credit: IMC

Keep moving!

In order to keep the trail running community engaged, organizers created 4 UTMB® for the Planet Virtual Races. Trail runners appreciate this option to participate even though it’s not the main event that they trained for. Although it is disappointing that the race is cancelled, it was necessary and everyone will be ready to come back next year, even stronger!

To find out more information regarding the UTMB®, you can find a link to their official website here. Their site is offered in multiple languages. 

Have you ever participated in an ultra race? If so, Michelle Onofrey, founder of International Mountain Connection would love to interview you and learn more about what it’s like to prepare and participate in a race. And of course, find out what it’s like after arriving at the finish line!

Adapted Version

In parenthesis () there are explanations of words and phrases. These explanations are in italics.

A Trail Runner’s Dream: The Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc

In France, there are over (more than) 70 ultra trail races offered (scheduled) throughout (during) the year. One of the favorites is, without a doubt (without a question), the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc. Before we get into the specifics (talk about the details) of this race, let’s answer an important question: What IS an ultra? 

What is an ultra?

An ultra or ultramarathon is a foot race that is longer than a traditional (classic) marathon (42.195 kilometers or 26.219 miles). Athletes (The runners) are required to be in top condition (very strong), both mentally (in their head) and physically (their body). An ultra race can be on a variety of surfaces (what you run on), including paved (asphalt or concrete) roads or (dirt) trails. 

To challenge runners even more, there are ultra trail running competitions that take these athletes high up into the heavens (high in elevation). Paths cover delicate (not easy to do) mountain terrain where the trail is technical (rocky) and the views (the landscape that you see) will take your breath away (it is very beautiful). Due to (Because of) the high elevation, the lack of (lower level of) oxygen will do that, too!

Photo credit: IMC

The Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB®)

The UTMB® is an exceptionally challenging (difficult) race (competition). Runners are exposed to the elements (have difficult variables when they run) including high altitude (2,300 m / +7,500 ft) wind, rain, cold temperatures, and fatigue (being tired). The course follows the Tour du Mont Blanc hiking trail which includes sections in France, Italy and Switzerland. 

Hikers usually take (need) 7-10 days to complete this trail, whereas (but) the fastest finishers (people who complete the race) of the UTMB® take only about 20 hours. The official cut-off time (time limit) for runners is 46 hours 30 minutes, with several time barriers in place throughout the race. (If you have not crossed this barrier in a determined amount of time, you are no longer in the race.) Needless to say (It is obvious that), not everyone who starts this race will finish it.

UTMB® Race Route
Photo credit: UTMB® at

Who’s In and Who’s Out? Registration for the UTMB®

Runners from all over the world register for (try to enter) this race, and for the last two years, more than 100 countries were represented. (There were runners from over 100 countries in the race.)  Unfortunately, due to the prestige (reputation) of this epic (incredible) race, it’s become a victim of its own success. With over 7,800 candidates in 2019, less than one third (30%) of the runners registered could actually participate in this adventure.

To qualify for (to participate in) this race, most athletes must accumulate (have) 10 points while (by) participating in no more than TWO International Trail Running Association (ITRA) sanctioned (authorized) races. Runners must complete this requirement (condition) the two years prior to (before) the UTMB®. This is incredibly challenging to do and yet, there are still thousands of runners who qualify and register. 

Due to the fact that (Since) the race can not accommodate (allow participation of) all of the athletes who meet this requirement (conditions), there is a lottery (random computer program) to choose who participates. In the end, this race is limited to 2,300 runners. For those who rely on (need) the lottery to participate in this race, emotions are high (people are worried and excited) until the official list of names is released (shared with the public). 

Profile of UTMB® Race
Photo credit: UTMB® at

The UTMB® 2020

The UTMB® was scheduled for (organized for) August 28 this year, with a distance of 171 km and 10,300 m of ascent or elevation gain. Unfortunately, this race was cancelled (will not be an event this year). The organizers did not feel (think) that they could guarantee (promise) the safety of the runners, volunteers, spectators, and members of the community due to (because of) the COVID pandemic. This is an understandable (logical) decision as it is a huge (big) event!

Photo credit: IMC

Keep moving!

In order to keep (To help) the trail running community engaged (interested in the event), organizers created 4 UTMB® for the Planet Virtual Races. Trail runners appreciate (like) this option to participate even though (despite the fact that) it’s not the main event that they trained for. Although it is disappointing that the race is cancelled, it was necessary and everyone will be ready to come back next year, even stronger!

To find out more information regarding the UTMB®, you can find a link to their official website here. Their site is offered in multiple languages. 

Have you ever participated in an ultra race? If so, Michelle Onofrey, founder of International Mountain Connection would love to interview you (ask some questions) and learn more about what it’s like to prepare and participate in a race. And of course(also), find out (learn) what it’s like after arriving at the finish line (the end of the race)!